I go to a lot of conferences and I see a lot of bad presentations. According to world renowned speaker Guy Kawasaki, 99% of presentations suck. If you´re scheduled to present at a conference in the near future, you need to read this blog post!
First of all: A presentation is not a series of powerpoint slides. The slides should not be the central part of your presentation. If you´re dependent on you slides, you´re not ready to present.
- Read PresentationZen. Get the basics right: Show up on time, know your stuff, be yourself and more.
- Tell a story. If you want your presentation to be remembered – tell a story!
- Learn from the best. The 5 best presentations in the world – what makes them so special?
- Nail the first 60 seconds. If you want to captivate the audience – nail the first 60 seconds!
- Avoid the obvious mistakes. Watch this 2 minute video and NEVER make these mistakes again.
- Really BAD powerpoints. Avoid powerpoint mistakes.
- How to not suck at presentations. CEO writes
If you don´t have time to review the above sources, please at least make sure you avoid the basic mistakes in the world´s worst presentation! Feel free to add your best advice and share with conference organizers around the world. If you attend a boring presentation, feel free to share this post with the presenter. Don´t be rude, just help them become better presenters.
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